영락 장로교회 한글학교 민들레반 게시판

제목네 번째 수업 알림장 (The 4th Class Information)2023-02-15 00:54
작성자 Level 8
첨부파일ㄱ이 들어간 단어 쓰기 1.png (188.7KB)ㄱ이 들어간 단어 쓰기 2.png (173KB)맞는 단어 연결하기 .png (167KB)토끼와 거북이 숨은그림 찾기.png (261.5KB)길찾기 (거북이).png (47.9KB)


     안녕하세요민들레반 학부모님들 ~ 

     지난주도 우리 아이들 모두가 숙제를 너무 열심히  와서 기분이 무척이나 뿌듯하고 옆에서 도와주신 부모님께 감사드립니다원래 지난주에 '' 들어간 단어를 공부하려고 했는데 모음과 '' 들어간 단어를 다시 한번 반복하는게좋을  같아서 원래 내주려던 숙제 (연두색 학습장 바꾸고 첨부파일로 3('' 들어간 단어쓰기 1 ,2 그리고 맞는 단어 연결하기 1) 첨부했어요. (선택숙제 2장도 첨부했고요.)  안에  배운 단어들이 있어서요 혹시 아이들이 어려워하면 그림을 보고 단어를 한국어로 알고 와도 괜찮습니다. (물론 숙제를  걸로 인정합니다. ^^) 그리고 수업시간에 복습하면서 같이 써봐도 괜찮으니 너무 부담안가지셔도 됩니다



 번째 수업 알림장 (2/11 /2023)



·      네임스티커에 자기이름쓰기숙제 확인

·      말하기연습지난주 배웠던 인사하기 복습감사합니다 고마워

·      ’  들어간 단어복습 (아기야구고기구이기구기린고양이, ..)

·      토끼와 거북이 이야기 듣고 느낀  이야기하기



다음수업 준비물

·      기본 필기구와 미술도구 (색연필마커크레용 )

·      교재 2 (한글기초 주황색과 연두색  두권)

·      3 바인더

·      개인물병과 간식


숙제  알림사항

·      숙제첨부파일 3 (‘’  들어간 단어 쓰기맞는 단어 연결),  프린트 부탁드려요

·      이번주 선택숙제첨부파일 중에 숨은그림찾기길찾기가 있어요.

·      숙제를  해오는 친구들그리고 수업 태도가 좋은 친구들에게는 칭찬 카드가 있어요매주 수업 갖고 오게 해주세요학기 말에 상품이 있어요.

·      이번학기 한글학교 휴강날짜가 3 18일에서 11일로 변경되었습니다



Class Summary

·      Name writing activity.

·      Practice Korean greetings and learning how to say “Thank you” in Korean.

·      Review the words that has the Korean consonant ‘’ (Giyok).

·      Listen to the story of “the Rabbit and the Turtle” and talk about what we learn from the story.



Materials for Next Class


·      Pencil, eraser, coloring supplies (markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc.)

·      2 textbooks (orange, green)

·      3 ring binder

·      Water bottle and snack


Homework/ Other Information


·      Homework: the attached file (3 worksheets about words that has the Korean consonant ‘’: writing and draw a line connecting the picture with the matching word) Please print it out!

·      Optional homework: the attached file (a maze and a hidden picture) 

·      Students have a reward card. Please bring it for every class! Students will receive a gift at the end of the semester.

·      The spring break is on March 11th

(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)