영락 장로교회 한글학교 민들레반 게시판

제목열번째 수업 알림장 (The 10th Class Information) 2023-04-04 23:11
작성자 Level 8

한글학교 10-1.jpeg한글학교 10-2.jpeg 

       안녕하세요 민들레반 학부모님들 ~

        지난주에는 임혜진 선생님께서 저대신 수업을 맡아주셨어요제가 알려드렸던 것보다  알차게 재미있게 해주셨네요. ^^ 아이들 볼 생각에 벌써 기대가 됩니다. 

        몇가지 중요한 광고 사항들이 있어요.

1)    여름학교 등록 시작되었어요현재 킨더 학생부터 (1학년으로 올라가는등록받고 있으니 아래 첨부한 포스터를 참고해주세요벌써 등록이 많이 진행되어서 일찍 등록 마치게   있으니 관심있으시면 서둘러 등록바랍니다.  (등록방법교회 홈페이지 사역 -> 한글학교 -> 등록증 다운  작성  교장선생님께 연락)

2)    4 29 교회에서 바자회 있을 예정입니다맛난 점심도 팔고 각종 반찬거리 간식거리 팔고있으니 아이들 픽업오시면서  참여해보세요.



열번째 수업 알림장 (4/1 /2023)



·      네임스티커에 자기이름쓰기숙제 확인

·       들어간 단어배우기

·      머리어깨무릎’ 노래 배우기

·      데굴이의 ’ 동화 듣기

·      나의  이야기해보고 나의 꿈을 담는  만들기 (아트) 


다음수업 준비물

·      기본 필기구와 미술도구 (색연필마커크레용 )

·      교재 2 (한글기초 주황색과 연두색  두권)

·      3 바인더

·      개인물병과 간식


숙제  알림사항

·      숙제연두색 교재 페이지 26-27

·      각자 미래에 되고 싶은 꿈에 대하여 생각해오기



Class Summary

·      Name writing activity.

·      Learning the words that have the Korean consonant ‘

·      Learning the Korean kids song ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’

·      Listen to the story of “the dream of Degul” and talk about what we learn from the story.

·      Talk about dreams for future 


Materials for Next Class


·      Pencil, eraser, coloring supplies (markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc.)

·      2 textbooks (orange, green)

·      3 ring binder

·      Water bottle and snack


Homework/ Other Information


·      Homework: In our textbook (green), page 26-27

·      Think about your dream for future

·      Summer school opens for registration (Grades from Kindergarten who will be going up to 1st grade).  Registration is through Youngnak church website (click Korean school, download the form, and contact the principal)

·      There will be a bazaar at the church on April 29th. The church will be selling tasty meals, a variety of fresh side dishes, and yummy snacks. You and your family are invited to join when you pick up your child. 


(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)