영락 장로교회 한글학교 성인반 게시판

제목성인반 Annoucement(For 3/25, Week #9)2023-03-24 07:03
작성자 Level 8
Hi Everyone~!

I hope you are doing well. Here is the announcement for this week. I will see you this Saturday. Thanks!

Class Summary

·     Main textbook(Korean for Overseas Koreans (English)), Unit 9-10

·     Learn Korean direction words 2


For Next Saturday

                                     ·       We will cover our leading textbook, Korean for Overseas Korean, Units 10-11 

·       We will continue practicing the Korean alphabet and how to write it correctly.

·       Learning Korean Direction word 3

·       We will continue to watch "The Sound of your heart" Episode 3


Homework/Other Information


·      Please bring your textbook and workbook every week. 

·      Remember that we have homework this week (Workbook1: Unit 8, Workbook 2: Chapter 2-6)

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know. 


Adam Hungyu Lee

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