영락 장로교회 한글학교 성인반 게시판

제목성인반 Annoucement (For 2/24, Week #7)2024-02-22 11:38
작성자 Level 8
Dear Student, 

안녕하세요, 여러분 (Hello!)
I hope you are doing well. Can you believe it? This week marks our 7th Class together, which means we're nearly halfway through the Spring semester! Time does fly when you're immersed in the world of language learning. Make sure to review what you have learned in Class and ask any questions you might have. I'm here to help and support you in your language journey. 
And remember to practice Korean outside of Class. Whether through conversation with classmates or exploring Korean media, every bit of exposure will contribute to your language proficiency. 
    1. For this week

1) We will be covering Unit 12 and Unit 13 this Saturday. 

2) We will continue to have time to learn and sing a new Korean fork song during the Class. 

3) We will watch a Korean cartoon together(Learn Korean with Jadoo, Eps 4) and try to find new expressions and language Usage.  

2. Homework

 1) Workbook 2, Chapter 5 한글기초 하, 5과 "모두 모여라")  

 2) Journal Writing in Korean (Less than ten sentences), *Highly Recommended! 

3. Other information

1) If you have a fever or are sick, please stay home and inform the principal or me beforehand.

2) My contact number is 8177165032/ heongyulee@gmail.com.

Please reach out to me before the Class if you have any questions or concerns.



Adam Hungyu Lee

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