영락 장로교회 한글학교 민들레반 게시판

제목첫번째 수업 알림장 (The 1st Class Information)2023-01-24 23:36
작성자 Level 8

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 안녕하세요~ 지난주 수업내용과 준비물 올려드립니다. 


·      이름쓰기

·      ’ 배우기

·      설날 이야기  관련 단어 익히기 (한복음식전통게임)

·      딱지 만들어서 딱지치기

·      토끼복주머니 만들기


다음수업 준비물

·      기본 필기구와 미술도구 (색연필마커크레용 )

·      3 바인더

·      개인물병과 간식


숙제  알림사항

·      자기 이름 3 쓰기 종이를 폴더에 넣었어요이번주 수업때 화이트 보드에 이름쓰기 게임을 하려고해요 잊지 않고 연습하도록 도와주세요.

·      숙제를  해오는 친구들그리고 수업 태도가 좋은 친구들에게는 칭찬 카드가 있어요매주 수업 갖고 오게 해주세요학기 말에 상품이 있어요.

·      다음주에 교재를 나누어 줍니다 수업마다 잊지 않고 가져오도록 준비해주세요.



Class Summary


·      Name writing practice

·      Learning the Korean consonant ‘’ 

·      Korean New Year’s story

·      Playing Ttakji: a traditional Korean game

·      Making a lucky bag with bunny character, celebrating the year of Rabbit


Materials for Next Class


·      Pencil, eraser, coloring supplies (markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc.)

·      3 ring binder

·      Water bottle and snack


Homework/ Other Information


·      We have a homework. Please encourage them to write their names three times on a piece of paper.

·      Students will have a reward card. Please bring it for every class! Students will receive a gift at the end of the semester.

·      We will pass out textbooks by next week. 


(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)