영락 장로교회 한글학교 민들레반 게시판

제목열 세번째 수업 알림장 (The 13th Class Information) 2023-04-26 02:25
작성자 Level 8

안녕하세요 민들레반 학부모님들 ~


   ***광고 사항들이 있어요.

1)    다음학기 한글학교 등록이 시작되었어요.  (등록방법교회 홈페이지 사역 -> 한글학교 -> 등록증 다운로드)


2)    4 29일에 교회에서 바자회가 있을 예정입니다맛난 점심도 팔고 각종 반찬거리 간식거리 팔고 있으니 아이들 픽업오시면서  참여해보세요.



 세번째 수업 알림장 (4/22/2023)



·      네임스티커에 자기이름쓰기숙제 확인

·        들어간 단어배우기

·      노래 듣고 배우기, ‘잘잘잘’ 

·      현명한 여우와 늙은 사자’ 동화 듣고 나누기

·      야외활동 (버블놀이초크로 그림그리기), 엔지니어키트 활동 (지진)




다음수업 준비물

·      기본 필기구와 미술도구 (색연필마커크레용 )

·      교재 2 (한글기초 주황색과 연두색  두권)

·      개인물병과 간식



숙제  알림사항

·      숙제연두색 교재 페이지 30-31



Class Summary

·      Name writing activity.

·      Learning the words that have the Korean consonants ‘’ and ‘

·      Learning the Korean kids song ‘Good, Good, Good’

·      Listen to the story of “The Aged Lion and the Fox’ and talk about what we learn from the story.

·      Bubble game, Engineering activity (Earthquake)



Materials for Next Class

·      Pencil, eraser, coloring supplies (markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc.)

·      2 textbooks (orange, green)

·      3 ring binder

·      Water bottle and snack


Homework/ Other Information


·      Homework: In our textbook (green), page 36-37

·      The Korean school registration for the next semester has opened. Please look at the attachment for more information.

·      There will be a bazaar at the church on April 29th. The church will be selling tasty meals, a variety of fresh side dishes, and yummy snacks. You and your family are invited to join when you pick up your child. 


(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)